Spicy Lamb Curry

by Jerry Nabarrete-Stuart


1 medium onion diced

1 bell pepper diced

3 cloves of minced garlic

1 lb of lamb chop cubed

2 Tbsp of butter

2 Tbsp of olive oil

2 ½ Tbsp of curry powder

1 ¼ med hot red chili powder

1 C heavy cream

Over medium heat, melt butter and add the olive oil. Add the onion, bell pepper and garlic. Cover and let cook for 3 min. Add the lamb. Cover and let cook until the lamb is cooked through. Add heavy cream, curry and chili powder. Leave uncovered and simmer for about 20 min. Serve over rice.

I choose this recipe for its versatility, it can be done with lamb or chicken. If you do a chicken version it’ll be 2 cubed chicken breasts. I shopped for the spices at a local Indian market to make sure I did have the right variety of curry and chili powder for a good spice kick. It is a relatively easy quick meal and definitely a wow for guests. The rice I used was Jasmine rice in this recipe.