Pride Entertainment Lineup: C&C Music Factory



As the front man and co-founder of the international multi-platinum selling group C&C Music Factory, Freedom has sold over 8 millions records, traveled and performed around the world extensively, and has yet to meet a crowd that he couldn’t captivate. His performing abilities are just one of the things that keep the crowds mesmerized. However, once you get to know him, people are always shocked to realize that he is so down to earth.

Freedom, born in Bedford Stuyvesant in Brooklyn, moved to Cambria Heights, Queens at the age of 7. Queens has been the home to some of the greatest rappers and entertainers to ever grace a stage. Freedom went to Junior High School I.S. 192, located on the famous 205th Ave. in Hollis, Queens,which was home to RUN-DMC, Jam Master Jay, and L.L. Cool J. In June of 1981, about to enter his teens, Freedom became a member of the 5 Percent Nation of Islam. Around 1983 he was arrested for burglary, the judge remanded him to live in Boston with his brother, who was a police officer and attending Harvard University. Freedom believed that this turn of events helped to save his life, and helped him to realize the true power of Hip-Hop, a power that many New Yorkers were taking for granted.

In the Boston/Framingham area Freedom honed his skills while rapping to young teen audiences who had just recently become familiarized with this vibrant New York street culture. From there Freedom went to college and formed a rap group called “The Chosen Few” (also known as “Hard Core”). They opened for Dana Dane and Joe-Ski Love, and the Beastie Boys’ first show ever in Newport News, Virginia. However, his love for the music wasn’t fully realized, and while attending Virginia’s own Hampton University as a history/mass media communications major he was counseled by a music professor, Roland Carter, to follow his heart and focus on music. He moved back to New York and got an engineering internship at Quad Studio where her met Rob and David. They worked together for three years producing music, doing guest appearances, raps, mixing and song writing before forming C&C Music Factory. C&C Music Factory was never a firm group but individual producers who worked together. After experiencing a lot of tension among the group Freedom left to do his solo album.



Freedom has a gift for story telling, through song, books and even screenplays. In addition to songs, he has written several children’s books, history chapters, and screen plays. Underneath his tough guy Brooklyn exterior is a real softy who does charity work with the Boys and Girls Club, marches for a cure to Breast Cancer with his Hip Hop celebrity friends and the Mama Luke Foundation, Freedom works against the stop and frisk policies maintained by the NYPD vehemently, he mentors youths in his community and raises funds for the Deanna Bazemore Foundation for domestic violence even though he himself was falsely accused of domestic violence by his ex wife. He produces and manages young talent, works in construction, and is working on landing his own TV reality show called “Freedom Williams Rocks da House”. Being creative is second nature for him, Liquid Rush is just the tip of the iceberg.

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