Our Health – January 2015


by Robert Collins

me plaid

Aging. We are all getting older by the minute. How aging affects our health and health care decisions as LGBT people has changed. Like the rest of the population in the U.S. The LGBT baby boomer generation(1946-1964) is moving into the senior citizen zone. As a member of this group I am seeing huge changes in our healthcare system, insurance system and our cultures.

The biggest societal change I have observed has a direct impact on our health. Same sex marriage. People who were unable to marry before and therefore were not eligible for family health insurance plans now are able to take advantage of these plans. This has resulted in thousands who’ve had no insurance transitioning to having access to regular medical care. It means access to federal programs that would have been unavailable under DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) and improves the quality of life of individuals who had previously been denied access. For an aging population this is huge. As we grow older, we all regardless of identity face challenges related to health. Having access to healthcare greatly reduces the impact of these conditions.

The medical conditions faced in an aging LGBT population really aren’t so different than any other person. Chronic disease, fatigue, cosmetic changes and physical/mental decline. How we react to those changes can be vastly different.

One ongoing theme I have discovered after doing several interviews is that accessing health care in a way that is positive and affirming is not a given for LGBT people. Fear of discrimination, actual discrimination, internalized homophobia, and unwillingness to admit your age in a highly youth oriented culture all impact us. Fear is one of the most common themes. It is another coming out to talk openly with your healthcare provider about your sexuality, your gender identity and your relationships. Fear of rejection, discrimination and indifferent care stops many people from disclosing to their healthcare providers a significant fact that impacts their health.
The good news is, as time goes by it is getting easier to talk about LGBT issues openly. The levels of acceptance as LGBT people just being part of the community as a whole rather than outsiders to be rejected is improving. I remember the first doctor i came out to in the 1980s acting shocked. Now when I mention it I get a different reaction. I get ask medically relevant questions about my sexuality but no raised eyebrows.

The answers are not clear in most places. In larger urban centers like New York City , Los Angeles and San Francisco these problems are beginning to be addressed. Facilities are starting to have policies favorable to LGBT populations. Vast reaches of your country though have no such facility policies. Each case is handled differently. There are currently no laws in Idaho forcing a facility to recognize your legal marriage when considering your application.

The answers to these questions are in the planning. More than most populations, we must as LGBT people plan out retirement more carefully and plan for our long term health care more carefully. A living will, durable power of attorney for health care and a will are the name of the game. Lets face it, here In Idaho and in many places in the country the local and state government are hostile to the idea of our marriages being equal even though the federal judiciary has affirmed us. So for the time being we must take extra steps to advocate for ourselves.

What is a living will? A living will is a legal document that a person uses to make known his or her wishes regarding life prolonging medical treatments. It can also be referred to as an advance directive, health care directive, or a physician’s directive. A living will should not be confused with a living trust, which is a mechanism for holding and distributing a person’s assets to avoid probate. It is important to have a living will as it informs your health care providers and your family about your desires for medical treatment in the event you are not able to speak for yourself.

What is a durable power of attorney for health care? A document that ensures that a person of your choosing will be allowed to make healthcare decisions for you according to your wishes should you become unable to speak for yourself due to medical or mental incapacitation.

What is a will? A directive made by you that takes effect AFTER you die. Wills disperse your estate, give directives for funeral arrangements and assist your heirs in legally obtaining inheritance.
Have any ideas on health topics for future issues? Send us an email at news@outboise.com

Introducing Brandi Benson

By Desmond Slowe

Have you ever met a superstar? You know, a person who is truly exceptional that others naturally gravitate to and is just stellar as a human being. I met one today and her name is Brandi Benson.
As a premier burlesque performer in the Treasure Valley, Brandi is no stranger to being introduced to an audience. But being a variety performer is just one aspect of this remarkable lady. I am introducing her as the newest board member of The Community Center.
Like a diamond, Brandi is a multi-faceted woman that happens to be burlesque performer, a lesbian, a mother, a wife, an advocate, a lion tamer, hibachi chef, origami folder, cobbler and potentially gay man. Okay, maybe not all those descriptions but this lady is talented and busy.

Although I am touting her off as the next international sensation, like Nicki Minaj or Britney Spears, she is actually a down-to-earth, humorous person with lots of energy and ideas. There is no pretense to her – what you see is what you get. She believes in being who she is and that is how she lives her life. Brandi brings a whole different perspective to the board of The Community Center. As a mother of two young boys, she and her wife bring a family focus to the plight to the LGBTQA leadership of The Community Center. She is a firm believer if we (gays) do not know where we have been and how we got to where we are now then we will never be able to move forward and show those who aren’t part of our gay community that we are not that different from them. Brandi, like millions of other parents, pays her bills, mows her lawn and raises her kids. There is absolutely no difference in her daily life as a lesbian mother and wife than any other married person in this world.

Brandi shared a wonderful story about her volunteer work she does at her son’s school. Remember, what you see is what you get with her and she doesn’t hide her life. One day the school counselor relayed a story about a fellow student in the same grade as her oldest son. He said that this fifth grade girl came up to him and said that she needed to talk to him. She was very nervous and kept referencing a classmate’s mother, who happened to be Brandi. And how Brandi has a wife and likes girls. The little girl said that she might like girls like that. What Brandi liked the most about this story was the response the straight school counselor advised the little girl. He told her that she didn’t need to decide right now. Brandy felt this was a perfect response because being who you are without somebody thinking you need to be a certain way or act a certain way was remarkable and those are the straight allies the LGBTQ community needs.
Just being a loving, attentive and supportive mother spoke volumes to this little girl and possibly other children at her son’s school. They probably don’t know what a role model is, but like this little girl, know that there is a person that they can relate to and use as an example to mold their life.

This isn’t the radical gay agenda that religious conservatives and zealots are concerned about. This is a remarkably passionate woman giving her time and effort for the success of her son and his school and being noticed for who she is and not what she is.
The previous night I had attended the Boise Gay Men’s Chorus’ The Lights of Christmas concert and the theme was the “light” in your life that is a beacon of hope. Remember, Brandi believes that if we do not know where we have been and how we got to where we are now then we will never be able to move forward. One of Brandi’s beacons of light is a longstanding fixture and trailblazer in the Boise gay world: Mary Evelyn “Evie” Smith. Evie has been a part of Brandi’s whole life and Brandi considers her an aunt. Brandi’s mother and Evie were roommates and due to this relationship with Evie, her mother’s love never faltered and remained unconditional. Her mother did cry when Brandi came out and that was because she did not want Brandi to have the struggle that she saw with Evie and Evie’s inability to be who she was at that time in Idaho. Her mother has always been super supportive and continues to be.
Brandi’s past is a wonderful journey of self-discovery. Brandi was born and raised in the small town of Burley, Idaho. After graduating high school, a class of 172 people, she joined the Army and had a successful tenure as an interrogator. She moved to Boise when she was 23-years-old, met her future husband when she was 25 years old, married and had children immediately. At 33-years-old, she and her husband separated. She met Maria. Maria was older and a “Gold Star” lesbian. Brandi was technically still married and still living in the same house as her husband. Maria and Brandi travelled to Washington State and married two years ago.
Brandi told a wonderful story about marriage versus gay marriage. It was a few years ago when “Same Love” from Mackelmore was released and one day when she was driving her sons to school and the song came on the radio, she cranked up the volume. Her sons were aghast due to her turning up the volume for the umpteenth time every time the song came on. Brandy was flabbergasted by their response. She responded by explaining how important the message of the song was because for her, whom isn’t allowed to marry the person she loves. This song is telling the world it is ridiculous.
She also explained that up until this point those that have been denied the opportunity to marry couldn’t say anything about it but here is this guy who has the ability to speak to the whole world and he is saying that love is love no matter who it is with. She was amazed by her son’s remarkable perspective on the world with his next statement because he didn’t understand why it was called “gay marriage” because it was just “marriage.” A 10-year-old boy got the concept that the entire world is struggling with and fighting against.
Brandi was approached by TCC Board Member Rick Ramos to be part of the board. He had been courting her for a few years to be part of the board but Brandi had other commitments that wouldn’t allow her to devote the time and effort needed for the role. This year Brandi accepted the board member invitation. Brandi was a natural choice for this role since she has experience working with a non-profit daycare. With two young boys and a background in a childcare non-profit, Brandi wants to bring a focus on youth.
Brandy recently lost a friend and it was remarkably hard since she feels that part of the reason he took his own life is because of his own inability to accept himself and he always struggled with his identity and his sexual orientation his entire life. He was 28-years-old, Marie had known him since he was 15, and it was a really rough loss. Our community lost someone, even when he wasn’t part of the gay community he was certainly one of our allies. His mother is a good friend of Brandi and Maria’s. The idea that of losing a child because they don’t feel as though they are accepted for who they are terrifies Brandi, and the last thing she wants is for any other parents to go through that.
Brandi believes that the more good you put out there the more you get back. She wants to progress The Community Center and affect the younger generation so they know they are not alone. As cliché as it sounds, she whole-heartedly believes that children are our future. Teaching children it is okay to be who you are regardless of what that is, and even if they don’t know, that is okay, too.
Being a very goal-oriented person and having a set of goals in front of her means she is going to be a more effective team member and board member. She personally feels that The Community Center needs to show the general public, overall Boise population, that we as gays, are no different than they are. She feels as though there is a misconception that LGBT Idahoans are all flamboyant and sensational rainbow-wearing aliens while, like all communities, have subsets and diversity. Albeit, our diversity might be more colorful and unconventional but we are just other Idahoans. We should be treated equally and respectfully. Having someone on The Community Center board that is married and has children will help incorporate a new perspective of the LGBT community as a whole.
I was very impressed with Brandi and the two hours we spent together talking went way too quickly. I believe I have met a new and everlasting friend that is going to move The Community Center is a new direction and I am excited to see what she is going to do as a board member.

Lemon Breeze


By Jerry Nabarrete-Stuart

IMG_20141219_112315[1] edit

1 C Kellogg’s Corn Flake crumbs
1/3 C regular margarine or butter, melted
1/2 C real lemon juice
1 1/2 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
2 eggs, separated
3 tablespoons sugar
1 can of Borden Eagle brand sweetened condensed milk

Combine corn flake crumbs and margarine/butter in a 9” pie pan. Reserve 2 tablespoons for the topping; press remainder firmly and evenly in pan to form crust. Chill.
In a small saucepan combine lemon juice and gelatin. Place over low heat and stir until gelatin is dissolved; cool.
In a mixing bowl beat two egg whites until foamy; gradually add sugar. Beat until stiff and glossy. Set aside.
Beat egg yolks in mixing bowl until thick and lemon colored. Stir sweetened condensed milk and gelatin mixture, gently fold in egg white mixture. Spread evenly in crust; sprinkle top with reserved crumbs.
Refrigerate 2 hours or until firm. Cut into wedges and enjoy.

The Carvan of GLAM

by Gary Simpson

January 16th marks the return of the Caravan of GLAM to Boise. This time, at Liquid Laughs, is sure to be an even bigger event than the last one. OutBoise had the chance to chat with Justin Buckles, th show’s main producer before the upcoming show.

What made you decide to start Caravan of GLAM?

The basic concept for the production came to me after I visited Central Oregon Pride in June of 2013. I realized, after talking to a bunch of locals during the day in Drake Park, that there really wasn’t anything for the LGBTQ community in Central Oregon other than Pride which took place once a year. I lived in Los Angeles for almost 10 years and worked on such shows as American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Gene Simmons Family Jewels, and a slew of other productions so I had the knowledge and skills to create and produce a traveling production. When I returned to Portland I put the idea down on paper and within a week or so I approached Ecstacy Inferno with the concept and we went from there.


How many performers do you have, now?
We have a rotating cast and work with performers in each city that we take the show into, but our core members are Isaiah Esquire, Jayla Rose Sullivan, and of course Ecstacy Inferno. Our extended core members are Allie McQueen, Tod Alan, Tana the Tattooed Lady, and Johnny Nuriel.


Who is your favorite performer in your shows, and why?
I have no favorites. Everyone is equal and they each bring something completely unique to the shows. Without each and everyone of them the Caravan of GLAM would not be what it is today. We all work extremely well together and we all are very supportive.


You’ve been to Boise twice now, and have toured across the state with the Idaho Pride Tour. How has Idaho treated you when you’ve been on tour?

Idaho has been wonderful to us, which is why we keep coming back for more. The shows continue to grow with each return tour that we do and we continue to make more fans and of course friends. Rodney Busbee, owner of Boise Pride and the Idaho Pride Tour, is fantastic. He’s been a crucial part of our Idaho tours and we owe a lot to him. We all have the utmost respect for him.

Have you had any major challenges along the way to get your production going?

Believe it or not I can’t think of any major challenges. Our group consists of professionals who really have dedicated themselves to entertainment and it shows. The hardest part for most of us I feel is just the traveling.

We all support and respect each other through and through. We have each other backs, no one is better than anyone else, and we get along. We spend A LOT of time together so it’s crucial that we respect and support each other. If we didn’t we wouldn’t have gotten as far as we have in 14 months.


Do you have any surprises for the shows on January 16th?

We have a few. We’re going to have a handful of rehearsals between now and then so we’ll be bringing a new numbers and a completely different show than what you’ve seen in the past.


Boise is planning their 25th anniversary of Gay Pride in 2015. Do you plan on returning for Pride again this summer?

If you will have us we will be there. It would be an honor to be a part of the 25th anniversary of Boise Pride.

What do you think of OutBoise Magazine so far?

The sky is the limit for OutBoise Magazine. You’re onto something great for sure. Every State needs a media outlet that supports the LGBTQ community. Keep pushing forward and amazing things will happen.

Jayla Rose

We’re planning on hosting several events in 2015 to help bring more entertainment to the LGBT community in the Treasure Valley. What is the best piece of advice you can give us going forward?

Best Piece of Advice: WORK HARD

The Caravan of GLAM will be performing Friday January 16th at Liquid. 1st Show, Doors at 6pm, show at 8pm. 2nd Show, Doors at 10pm, show at 11pm. Tickets are $10 General Admission and $20 for VIP.

The Final Say with Minerva Jayne


Happy New Year my darling DIVOON ones! People constantly ask for my advice on a multitude of issues. From how they should wear their hair, what lipstick to buy, and how to dance in heels to how they should approach a delicate subject with their partner or how to keep finding a way to go on in this big, crazy world when hope seems to be lost. Now that 2014 has drawn to a close, many of our challenges from 2014 will continue to be challenges in 2015. Our world and our nation are going through growing pains. Sometimes these pains are vital in order to help us to become a better world. While the world has been weighing heavy on my own mind, I have decided to revisit some of my own resolutions for better living. I won’t share my most intimate, personal resolutions for the New Year here, though I know you wish I would (HA!). What I will share I hope will be helpful. First, feel free to imagine me walking up to you, taking off one of my earrings, and throwing it on the table, like Elizabeth Taylor in a “White Diamonds” commercial and saying, “These have always brought me luck:”

Listen with understanding: In 2014 some of our most volatile and heart wrenching issues have caused a great deal of trauma to some of our friendships. Social media has been aflutter with opinions and calls to action. This has caused a virtual war between people on different sides of issues. Regular postings have even suggested that if someone disagrees they should delete their friendship. Friends who have different approaches to the world, whether they emotional, scientific, or spiritual, are now at verbal blows at the suggestion that there is any other stance than their own. What I would suggest is that we take a moment to breathe and remember that so many of these issues that are tearing people apart, whether it be Ferguson, gun control/gun rights, gay marriage, or the Bill Cosby scandal, all contain elements that make us react passionately about situations that we can’t always see every side or nuance to. I am just as guilty as acting in a passionate moment as the next person, and perhaps even more so than some. One thing I always resolve to do, however, is put that relationship above an opinion. I know that there are many paths to the same destination and I also know that heart is capable of loving someone even if I disagree with them.
Live more authentically: Authenticity – being true to who you are – is a very important quality and more complex than it seems. Living your life in a way that fuels your passions and feeds your dreams is a worthwhile endeavor. Yes, of course, we all have responsibilities that can hinder that sometimes. Even common courtesy can hinder some people’s authenticity. I do, however, encourage people to look at new ways to express one’s uniqueness. Add your own mark to the world in which you live and you will find that, even if it isn’t always easy to be yourself, it is a rewarding to end the day knowing that you were the best you that you were able to be that day. Sure, people might always understand what you are doing, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t understand one day. We each have the power to make Idaho a beautiful melting pot of people. And frankly, what is more badass, Wild West than being yourself, no matter what? Be the star in your own life story.

Forgive: Just do it. Forgiveness doesn’t change what happened but it does give you permission to move on with your own life. Knock those road blocks out of your way!

LAUGH: It sounds cliché and like it belongs on a plaque you buy in the housewares section at ShopKo, but heavens isn’t is wonderful? Many people believe that laughter really is the best medicine and some people even believe it can be like doing a mild workout (unless you laugh like I do. I’m a gym bunny when it comes to laughing). While you might not literally be able to “laugh your butt off,” it certainly won’t hurt. So please, be goofy. Cut up. Laugh at things, even if they are inappropriate. Go ahead. Now don’t you feel better already?

Alka-Seltzer: When life is a party, there is always a morning after and if you choose to dance to the music, you will eventually have to pay the fiddler! Always keep a carton in your medicine cabinet. You’ll thank me for it!

Now get out there and live!
Love and Kisses,
Minerva Jayne

News from Boise Pridefest

OutBoise took an opportunity to reach out to Rodney Busbee, founder of Boise Pridefest. We wanted to make sure the community was ready for the upcoming 2015 Season. Here’s what we found out:

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You just wrapped things up with the Idaho Pride Tour. What was the best part of the tour?

The Idaho Pride Tour was so amazing, it is hard to pinpoint one thing but the passion we saw from fans while on the road was amazing. There are so many people around the state who are in need of diverse interaction. Each town had people who met other diverse individuals in their communities and have already started working on better ways to keep their communities in touch with one another and host more events on their own! This was the vision of the Idaho Pride Tour and I feel it was a huge success as it brought people together and helped strengthen each community in ways we could have never imagined!

You have mentioned in the past that you might be putting a tour together for northern Idaho. How does that look so far?

Boise Pridefest and the Idaho Pride Tour are looking into the possibility of a Northern Idaho Tour. I don’t see it happening until after Boise Pridefest as It may put too big of a burden on the small group of individuals who are already putting in countless hours on this years 25th anniversary. It will happen, its just a matter of time!

Are you excited about PRIDE this year? With it being the 25th anniversary, people are probably expecting it to be bigger and better than ever.

Excited may be an understatement! This years Pride Festival will be the largest Festival Boise has ever witnessed! We are looking to mix in local entertainment with some national headliners to celebrate our 25th Anniversary! We are looking for local entertainers who would like to be involved in this historic event. Anyone interested should email rodney@boisepridefest.com

Last year’s PRIDE was in BODO. There was a big split when it came to having it there vs. having it at the park again. Are we to expect it in BODO again?

This years event will be in BODO again. We are looking into the entire BODO area with a stage in the middle of 8th and Broad to help open up space and to offer shade on 8th street! There will also be entertainment for families and youth will be a major part of the festivities!

OutBoise plans to help out this year with PRIDE. We plan to make sure our issue that month is all about PRIDE, and we hope to have it in print to ensure more people attend. What are a few things we should be prepared for? Any big surprises?

There will be plenty of surprises that we release through OutBoise! If we tell people what they are now they will not be a surprise so they will need to read OutBoise’s PRIDE edition for all the details!

Where can people find out about volunteering for Pride this year? Are you asking for volunteers yet?

We are getting everything situated for Volunteers and we will have specific areas for where and when you can volunteer. We will have all those details on boisepridefest.com by Feb. 1st. If people believe they would like to oversee a large portion of volunteers at Pride they should email me now at rodney@boisepridefest.com

Vendors & Sponsors will be able to sign up starting Jan. 10th. The sponsorship/parade/vendor packets will be released online at boisepridefest.com by that date!

Blaze and Kelly

We caught up with Niccole Blaze of Blaze & Kelly to find out more about the duo.

BK-Kelly Laugh red hue

You two met in 2002, in Sandpoint. Did you know, right away, that you would be working together?
“We didn’t know right away if we’d be working together but we knew we wanted to spend time together. We’ve been partners now for 12 years, in love and music, but love came first and music made our relationship much more richer. We’d like to believe that the richness of the emotion has spilled its way into the quality of the music.”

What has been your favorite part of your experience in the music industry?

“The challenge of it all. Can we play here? Can we play this song? Can we move people with our voices and lyrics? The “industry” has little to be desired but the art of writing, playing and performing is the true joy for us but mainly as it touches people. We love to tour and explore new places and sing for new audiences but we also love to come home and crowd a local venue with listeners upon our return. It’s like a big party full of amazing people, many now, which have become our friends. We thank all the listeners and people who have touched our hearts. We have yet to thank the music industry.”


How has Boise’s audience treated you?

“Wow! Boise has been the most beautiful community of supporters. We couldn’t have asked for a better place to land. We’ve had folks coming to our shows here locally since we started 10 years ago! We get to play with other amazing local artists, like Rochelle Smith, Kent Persons, Rebecca Scott, and Oliver Thompson. Between music and dogs, a wonderful community of people have come together, who continue to come out and celebrate their lives with us, their ups and downs, their epiphanies, their aspirations. We get to hear how our music inspires people to follow their dreams, or bring serenity to their hearts when they’re going through challenging times. We love Boise and all it has to offer. This is our home.”
What are some of the shows you’ve performed with? Have you considered being a part of Boise Pride?

We played “Chicks with Picks” put on by Ben Chow at the Woodriver Cellars back in 2008. We’ve also played at the Goddess Festival but we would LOVE to see more Women’s Festivals surface in this great city. There are a number of talented women players here and we feel fortunate to be friends with most of them.
We have also performed at Pride for several years. We would be more than happy to support Boise Pride any way we can, as long as the schedule permits. We did play for several events to support the Add the Words movement. We do what we can to let people know this is a safe place to be and thanks to our straight “brothers and sisters” who resonate with the music, they really have made it a safer place for us too. We would like to think our music has helped close the gap that divides the straight and gay communities.
The LGBT community in Boise is showing signs of some fantastic growth, what would you like to see in the future?

We would love to see and be a part of the movement that brings safety into our schools. Kids have to know it is safe to be their natural selves regardless of their differences or sexuality. We still have such a long way to go on this. Much of the state is still so anit-gay and filled with judgement. Every time a child is battered for being “different” or takes their own lives it breaks our hearts.

Crustys 2014

What should your fans expect from you in 2015?

Well hopefully more original tunes as we always strive to keep on creating. We have 6 CD’s we’ve put out over the years and a professional video of a full concert with special guests at the Sapphire Room, Boise, ID. We anticipate new ways in which we will be sharing music in the future, as physical CD’s may be a thing of the past.

We have developed a new VIP membership available on our website which gives members access to new free exclusive mp3 downloads, pictures, and video footage not otherwise available to the public. Members get our “inside views” on the business of music and a first glance of creativity in the making. This membership is designed to establish a deeper understanding of what we as musicians do and offers something very real and raw to our avid listeners. Their contributions helps assure our tour act stays on the road and keeps moving forward. Web based streaming concerts may also be something that we would like to strive for in 2015. So we may be in Boise, but our listeners in Vermont or Florida can catch us at a show, right in their living room! 🙂

Curb That Craving and Find Success

By Eteve Molina

With the holidays just around the corner, folks who have been gorging themselves with all the holiday goodies have one thing in mind, the New Year’s resolution “to lose weight and work for that body that they have been wanting year after year.” This may be one of the most desired and attempted of New Year resolutions, it is one of the most failed resolutions.


photo: Jonathan Smith – Sponsored Athlete at Newko Sports Nutrition Meridian and Certified Personal Trainer Axiom Fitness.

How difficult can it be to get in shape and shed away those Holiday pounds? According to a study completed by the University of Sranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology, losing weight tops the list for New Year’s Resolutions (2014). In that same study, about 1 percent of those who make resolutions will be successful.

“Often times they are attempting to lose weight because they feel guilty from being lazy and eating and drinking in excess throughout the holidays,” Eric Cafferty, of Peak Performance said. According to Cafferty, people attempting to lose weight at the beginning of the New Year are not intrinsically motivated enough.


Eteve Molina – Team Peak Performance competed in the Gold’s open May 2014. Courtesy photo: Eric Wainwright


Cafferty is amongst the local trained personal trainers and nutritionists with Boise’s Peak Performance, who work with clients that are looking to improve their health and overall appearance. His emphasis is body transformation. He has worked with a number of individuals who have set goals of stepping on stage and competing in bodybuilding and physique competitions.

Those individuals who have set their heights on this resolution and have been caught up trying to reach their goal have spent hours in a gym. But they have lost focus on the most important aspect of this goal – the nutrition side of the process.
“Some of the more common struggles have to do with peoples emotions and their relationship with food,” Cafferty said. “For some individuals, tracking their food intake is a challenge.” (No need to add “he said” again, we already know who said it.) Along with working with clients fitness goals and ensuring they have a reasonable workout routine, Cafferty focuses on the importance of maintaining proper nutrition, which he sees as a huge struggle for some. His assessments include body fat composition, fitness goals, workout routines, diet plans, and supplementation.


Carlie Young – Coach (Heart & Core Training Studio) and sponsored athlete (Jax Nutrition & TS FiT). Has been training for 4 years.


Another struggle individuals find themselves facing is supplementation. What exactly does the body need and require for an active lifestyle and to accomplish fitness goals? Tim Jolicoeur from Nutrishop Boise, explains that being pressured or by the tradition to lose weight is the case for those with this complicating resolution.

“People go into supplement stores looking for answers, but don’t realize that employees are not focused on that person’s goals or trying to educate them, instead they are just interested in the sale,” he said.

Like Cafferty, he agrees that the most important aspect of losing weight is monitoring your diet. “Proper nutrition is not sexy, but it is what works. As what usually happens is they spend a ton of money on gyms and supplements but rarely change their diet,” he said.

Jolicieur’s emphasis is ensuring that customers are being educated rather than spending an average of $70-200 of supplements that have little to no affect on their needs. In addition to working with customers, the business offers free meal plans.
“As far as supplementation goes, stick to the basics,” said Cafferty. He recommends Creatine, BCAA’s, Multi- Vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Caffeine as some staples to have. “Find brands that outsource testing on their products to ensure quality,” he said.


Susie Spoolstra Kelley of Genesis Fitness and Nampa Fitness has trained since the age of 16 and has competed in competitions to include NPC Cup. – Photo courtesy Jim Cauthen Photography

In regards to finding the perfect gym, individuals should find the most convenient location and training environment that’s motivating and encouraging for you to go and get in a great work out. “If you drive by your gym on the way home it’s really easy to pull in and make exercising a part of your lifestyle,” he said.

For beginners, a private gym might be the answer. The ability to go workout with a professional in a private atmosphere might be more encouraging than walking into a commercial gym. If commercial gyms are what you sought out for, encourage others to go and train with you. This will ensure that both of you are accountable for being there for one another. Of course the last resort would be to participate in some of the gym’s athletic classes. When doing this, remember your level of fitness and work with weight you are comfortable with.

Nutrishop Boise is located at 1265 S Capitol BLVD Suite 102. Business hours are Monday – Thursday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
photos in this article used with permission from photographers and/or the person photographed. Story by Eteve Molina

At the Movies: The Hundred Foot Journey

By Kristopher Munoz


I hope that now that the holiday madness is all over, we can all now sit and relax for just a moment. Take a breath and know that you have survived another Black Friday rush, seasonal prep cooking and have finally found and vacuumed all of those damn pine needles for that Christmas tree. You know, the one that you wanted to decorate as a family, then when no one was looking moved the ornament placement to your liking. Well before the rush of the seasonal bills come in, allow me to recommend a perfect relaxing evening movie.

I was about to head out to see a movie at the downtown location when I was called and invited by my amazing roomies to enjoy a rental movie with them. Talk about perfect timing, right! I was about to get to spend time with those I care about and watch a new movie I haven’t seen before all while saving a few bucks. As it turned out, they invited me because they thought I would love the movie, and they were right. I love when you find those special friends in this world, and current lifetime, that just get you. As it turned out, we were going to watch the film “The Hundred-Foot Journey.”

It features the amazingly talents of Helen Mirren, Om Puri, and Manish Dayal. The story follows the Kadam family as they’re on their way to find a new home, which as fate would have it, lands them in France and settles them right across from Madame Mallory’s Michelin-Starred eatery. Prepare yourself for some great laughs, interesting self-reflection, tons of salivating due to giving your eyes & taste buds full control.

Thanks to the advances of High Definition Television now, you can almost actually smell the many spices and seasonings used in the featured French, European and Indian cuisines. The food, in my humble opinion, is also a star of this film. Being something of a foodie, I knew what some of the ingredients smelled liked. I knew how mentioned dishes were going to taste like, and I could only dream of cooking these wonderful dishes myself, one day. I had a moment of actually being aware how well the steam was being represented on screen. I know it totally sounds random and odd. If you look at movies from 15 years ago. Steam in kitchen scenes come off as too much bathroom condensation after a wonderful hot shower. It’s often thick and too mechanical because you know some poor tech hand is somewhere pumping water or melting ice into some kind of jimmy-rigged hose-system to make the steam come out at the right angle with the camera and lighting. However not in this movie.

Set design and details of the kitchens are accurate to location. The complete commitment to detail gives and creates that extra captivating pull that makes you get lost in this film, even down to Mirren’s impeccable French and accent. Om Puri plays the Kadam’s patriarch, Papa, whose passion for cooking traditional Indian cuisine was shared by his wife, who passed this passion onto her son, Hassan, who is played by Dayal. After getting some back history of the Kadam’s, we come to find out what lead them in France.

Hassan finds himself cooking to remember the wisdom passed on by his mentor and mother, also how to adapt and move forward in life. He must also contend with the wisdom, pride and egos between his father and Madame Mallory. He see’s the antics between both of these headstrong characters. When he witnesses a particular event, these two competitors find a common ground based on respect. But it’s not over yet for Hassan, or for the two business owners.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful film as much as I did. Since seeing this film, it had inspired me to cook a little more. Speaking for myself, one of the best feelings in this world is cooking for the ones you love. That’s how you can always tell when someone or say a Chef loves what they do, you can literally taste it in the food. When I eat out, I can always tell when the cook simply did their job, and when someone loves their job. Anyone else experience this as well? If so, let me know.

The Hundred-Foot Journey: